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2006-2010 清华大学 化学工程与工业生物工程 学士
20109-2015 清华大学 化学工程与技术 博士
2015至今 北京化工大学 生命科学与技术学院 副教授
[1] yahui gong, chun shen*, jie wang, cai wu, tianwei tan, improved selectivity of long-chain products from aqueous acetone−butanol−ethanol mixture over high water resistant catalyst based on hydrophobic sba-16, acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2019, 7, 10323−10331.
[2] kaiyue ji, chun shen*, jiabin yin, xinqiang feng, hao lei, yuqing chen, nan cai, tianwei tan*, highly selective production of 2,5-dimethylfuran from fructose through tailoring of catalyst wettability, industrial & engineering chemistry research, 2019, 58, 10844−10854.
[3] jiabin yin, chun shen*, xinqiang feng, kaiyue ji, le du, highly selective production of p-xylene from 2,5-dimethylfuran over hierarchical nbox-based catalyst, acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2018, 6, 1891−1899.
[4] caijin zhou, chun shen*, kaiyue ji, jiabin yin, le du, efficient production of 5‑hydroxymethylfurfural enhanced by liquid−liquid extraction in a membrane dispersion microreactor, acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2018, 6, 3992–3999.
[5] yuqing chen, chun shen*, jie wang, gang xiao, guangsheng luo, green synthesis of ag−tio2 supported on porous glass with enhanced photocatalytic performance for oxidative desulfurization and removal of dyes under visible light, acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2018, 6, 13276–13286.
[6] le du, yang li, rruomei gao, jiabin yin, chun shen*, yujun wang, guangsheng luo, controllability and flexibility in particle manufacturing of a segmented microfluidic device with passive picoinjection, aiche j. 2018, 64, 3817–3825.
[7] chun shen, wuqing zhou, hao yu, le du, ni nanoparticles supported on carbon as efficient catalysts for steam reforming of toluene (model tar), chinese journal of chemical engineering, 2018, 26, 322–329.
[8] qiangqiang zhu, chun shen*, jie wang, tianwei tan, upgrade of solvent-free acetone−butanol−ethanol mixture to high value biofuels over ni-containing mgo−sio2 catalysts with greatly improved water-resistance, acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2017, 5, 8181–8191.
[9] xinqiang feng, chun shen*, kaiyue ji, jiabin. yin, tianwei tan, production of p-xylene from bio-based 2,5-dimethylfuran over high performance catalyst wo3/sba-15, catalysis science & technology, 2017, 7, 5540–5549.
[10] xinqiang feng, chun shen*, chenchen tian, tianwei tan, highly selective production of biobased p-xylene from 2,5-dimethylfuran over sio2−so3h catalysts, industrial & engineering chemistry research, 2017, 56, 5852–5859.
[11] chun shen, kexia pang, le du, guangsheng luo, green synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic activity of ce-doped tio2 nanoparticles supported on porous glass, particuology, 2017, 34, 103–109.
[12] chun shen, yujun wang, jianhong xu, guangsheng luo, oxidative desulfurization of dbt with h2o2 catalysed by tio2/porous glass, green chemistry, 2016, 18, 771–781.
[13] le du, yujun wang, jianhong xu, chun shen*, guangsheng luo, in situ dispersion of non-aqueous fe3o4 nanocolloids by microdroplet coalescence and their use in the preparation of magnetic composite particles, soft matter, 2016, 12, 5180–5187.
[14] le du, yujun wang, kai wang, chun shen*, guangsheng luo, in situ dispersion of oil-based ag nanocolloids by microdroplet coalescence and their applications in sers detection, rsc advances, 2016, 6, 59639–59647.
[15] le du, yujun wang, weidong zhang, chun shen*, guangsheng luo, preparation of nonaqueous silver nanosuspensions by in situ dispersion of the surface-modified nanoparticles, colloids surface a: physicochemical engineering aspects, 2016, 501, 114–121.
[16] zhiyi wu, qiangqiang zhu, chun shen*, tianwei tan, monodispersed pd nanoparticles supported on mg−al mixed metal oxides: a green and controllable synthesis, acs omega, 2016, 1, 498–506.
[17] chun shen, yujun wang, jianhong xu, guangsheng luo, chemical engineering journal, 2015, 259, 552–561.
[18] chun shen, yujun wang, jianhong xu, guangsheng luo, mono-dispersed ni nanoparticles supported on porous glass: composition and size controllable synthesis, industrial & engineering chemistry research, 2015, 54, 2910–2918.
[19] chun shen, yujun wang, jianhong xu, guangsheng luo, glass capillaries with tio2 supported on inner wall as microchannel reactors, chemical engineering journal, 2015, 277, 48–55.
[20] chun shen, yujun wang, jianhong xu, guangsheng luo, in situ growth of ts-1 on porous glass beads for ammoximation of cyclohexanone, chemical engineering journal, 2014, 235, 75–82.
[21] chun shen, yujun wang, jianhong xu, guangsheng luo, chitosan supported on porous glass beads as a new green adsorbent for heavy metal recovery, chemical engineering journal, 2013, 229, 217–224.
[22] chun shen, yujun wang, jianhong xu, guangsheng luo, size control and catalytic activity of highly dispersed pd nanoparticles supported on porous glass beads, langmuir, 2012, 28, 7519–7527.
[23] chun shen, yujun wang, jianhong xu, guangsheng luo, preparation and ion exchange properties of egg-shell glass beads with different surface morphologies, particuology, 2012, 10, 317–326.
[24] chun shen, yujun wang, jianhong xu, guangsheng luo, facile synthesis and photocatalytic properties of tio2 nanoparticles supported on porous glass beads, chemical engineering journal, 2012, 209, 478–485.
[25] chun shen, yujun wang, jianhong xu, guangsheng luo, porous glass beads as a new adsorbent to remove sulfur-containing compounds, green chemistry, 2012, 14, 1009–1015.
[26] chun shen, yujun wang, jianhong xu, guangsheng luo, preparation and the hydrogenation performance of a novel catalyst-pd nanoparticles loaded on glass beads with an egg-shell structure, chemical engineering journal, 2011, 173, 226–232.