







2004.09-2008.06   北京化工大学   工学 学士

2008.09-2015.06   北京化工大学   化学工程与技术 博士

2012.03-2015.03   美国佐治亚大学 联合培养


2015.07–2020.12       北京化工大学生命科学与技术学院,副教授

2021.01–2023.12          北京化工大学生命科学与技术学院,见习教授

2024.01–今      北京化工大学生命科学与技术学院,教授






主持国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目、面上项目、青年项目各1 项,国家重点研发任务子课题2 项,企业合作项目3项,并获得北京化工大学“青年英才百人计划”项目支持。

以第一/通讯作者在nature communicationsmetabolic engineeringbiotechnology and bioengineeringbiotechnology advanceschemical society reviews等期刊发表sci论文30余 篇,h因子22。申请中国发明专利12项、授权6项,授权美国专利1 项。生物合成肌醇项目已实现工业应用。参编代谢工程英文专著1 部、参编《合成生物学》中文教材1 部。


1.sun w, yin q, wan h, gao r, xiong c, xie c, ..., sun x* &chen s*. characterization of the horse chestnut genome reveals the evolution of aescin and aesculin biosynthesis. nature communications 14, 6470. (2023)

2. li w, zhou z, li x, ma l, guan q, zheng g, ..., sun x* & yuan q*. biosynthesis of plant hemostatic dencichine in escherichia coli. nature communications, 13(1), 5492. (2022)

3.sun m, yang m, li s, wang c, zhang f, xu b, ... sun x*, yuan q* & liu h. photothermal lysis of engineered bacteria to modulate amino acid metabolism against tumors. advanced functional materials, 33(13), 2212226. (2023)

4.li x, zhou z, li w, yan y, shen x, wang j, sun x*, yuan q*. design of stable and self-regulated microbial consortia for chemical synthesis. nature communications, 13, 1554. (2022)

5.li w, ma l, shen x, wang j, feng q, liu l, zheng g, yan y, sun x*, yuan q*. targeting metabolic driving and intermediate influx in lysine catabolism for high-level glutarate production. nature communications 10, 3337 (2019).

6.li w, shen x, wang j, sun x*, yuan q*. engineering microorganisms for the biosynthesis of dicarboxylic acids. biotechnology  advances 48, 107710 (2021).

7.wu y#, sun x#, lin y, shen x, yang y, jain r, yuan q, yan y*. establishing a synergetic carbon utilization mechanism for non-catabolic use of glucose in microbial synthesis of trehalose. metabolic engineering 39, 1-8 (2017).

8.chen z, sun x*, li y, yan y, yuan q*. metabolic engineering of escherichia coli for microbial synthesis of monolignols. metabolic engineering 39, 102-109 (2017).

9.lin y#, sun x#, yuan q, yan y. extending shikimate pathway for the production of muconic acid and its precursor salicylic acid in escherichia coli. metabolic engineering 23, 62-69 (2014).

10.sun x, lin y, yuan q, yan y*. biological production of muconic acid via a prokaryotic 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid decarboxylase. chemsuschem 7, 2478-2481 (2014).

11.li y, wang m, zhao q, shen x, wang j, yan y, sun x*, yuan q*. shunting phenylacetic acid catabolism for tropone biosynthesis. acs synthetic biology 8, 876-883 (2019).

12.li x, chen z, wu y, yan y, sun x*, yuan q*. establishing an artificial pathway for efficient biosynthesis of hydroxytyrosol. acs synthetic biology 7, 647-654 (2018).

13.wang s#, sun x#, yuan q*. strategies for enhancing microbial tolerance to inhibitors for biofuel production: a review. bioresource technology 258, 302-309 (2018).

13.sun x#, shen x#, jain r#, lin y, wang j, sun j, wang j, yan y, yuan q. synthesis of chemicals by metabolic engineering of microbes. chemical society reviews 44, 3760-3785 (2015).




